We will gladly accept your donations of food at our warehouse at 1313 11th Street, Sioux City, Iowa, 51105. Please bring your food donations directly to our warehouse door, open Monday through Friday, from 9 AM to 3:30 PM.
The picture below of our warehouse (left) shows the door you should pull into. Inside, we ask that you continue to pull your vehicle up to the dock door that is furthest to the right (that has a lift in front of it). The arrow in the picture (right) is pointing to the door bell. Please ring for assistance.
Please no expired items, no opened or repackaged foods, no glass containers, no homemade or home-canned goods.
Most Needed Food Items
cereals; soups; canned tuna and chicken; peanut butter and jelly; canned fruits and veggies; pancake mix

You can make a difference! Every $1 you give can acquire 5 meals of food through our networks to feed the hungry children, elderly, and families in Siouxland. The Food Bank of Siouxland is a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization and donations are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. Please contact our Associate Executive Director, Valerie Petersen, for more information at valerie@siouxlandfoodbank.org.
Please Note:
Make sure to specify if you’d like your donation to go to a specific project. If you would like your donation to be given in someone else’s name, please send a note along with your check including the person’s name, clarify whether it is simply honoring that person, in lieu of gifts for a special occasion, or in memory of that person. Then, also please include the name and mailing address where we can send a letter of recognition to that person (or their family for memorial donations). Note: the donation amount is withheld from the recognition letter.
Give Online
The fastest way to give! Just go to www.siouxlandfoodbank.org/donate.
It's the simplest way to give from wherever your are.
Include the Food Bank of Siouxland in your will. Our Federal ID #42-1381516.
Mail In
Make a check payable to:
Food Bank of Siouxland
P.O. Box 985
Sioux City, IA 51102
Join the "MEALionaires Club"
Give on a monthly basis to receive all the perks of the MEALionaires, including: gifts, exclusive tours, early bird volunteer opportunities, and more!
Volunteering is rewarding, productive, and easy. There are opportunities to help with specific events, or to help with day-to-day tasks. There are opportunities for groups and for individuals, both short term and long term. Call the Food Bank at 712-255-9741 to schedule a time to come in!
Want some extra information about our volunteer policies and other opportunities click here
Urgent Needs
sorting and/or boxing up dry or frozen products, warehouse cleaning
2025-26 BackPack Program: Food for Kids Group Volunteer Opportunity: Sign up begins the last Monday of August, August 25, 2025 at 8:30 A.M. Email Tiffany Kissinger at tiffany@siouxlandfoodbank.org to get signed up. Slots fill up quickly on a first come, first served basis!
Please read through our Food and Fund Drive Kit for more information on how to get started and fill out the last page. Please submit (page 6 only) and we will follow up to coordinate your food drive!
Food/fund drives are a fun and easy way to help food insecure individuals in Siouxland because they can be held anytime throughout the year. The need for food is still prevalent in Siouxland, no matter the season. With one in nine individuals being food insecure, events like these help supplement individuals so they can afford other necessities.
A food drive can consist of a variety of non-perishable items or it can focus solely on a particular item, such as cereal, peanut butter, canned proteins, or mac and cheese. Personal care drives are also an option as they are always welcome and needed items.
Every $1 provides 5 meals for Siouxland individuals in need, and a fund drive is another option to help food insecure individuals in Siouxland. Fund drives can be held with a food drive or as its own event.
If you would like to host an Online Fund Drive, contact Valerie Petersen at valerie@siouxlandfoodbank.org or 712-255-9741 (ext.2) to get started.
For singular donations via credit card view the information above to pay via secure online processor Network for Good, and checks can be sent directly to the Food Bank of Siouxland. Food/Fund Drives no matter how big or small are greatly appreciated. Every contribution helps us feed individuals in need across Siouxland.
Contact us before you begin.
Any use of our name or logo is strictly prohibited without prior approval.
Phone: (712) 255-9741 (ext. 8)
Fax: (712) 255-3116
Email: alan@siouxlandfoodbank.org