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Agency Highlight | Dakota City Food Pantry

Food Bank of Siouxland

Updated: Jul 20, 2022

The Dakota City Food Pantry opened its doors in 2016 through the Voices for Food

project to help those in the community that need extra support. The Dakota City Food Pantry has a regular volunteer staff of 15 and is open for all who need assistance with no eligibility requirements. This is the only food pantry in Dakota County with evening services.

The pantry operates on a “My Choice” model allowing families to choose food for

themselves that they can and will eat. Their program combines food they receive from the Food Bank of Siouxland and produce from their own fresh produce program. Because of this, they distribute thousands of pounds of food to the 1,273 households to the 4,847 individuals in Dakota County that they serve every year.

After transitioning to a drive-thru operation due to COVID, project coordinator Brenda

Sale says they are back to being an in-person pantry. Above all the members of the Dakota

County food pantry value the work of the volunteers that come in each month to make this

program possible.

“I am so honored to serve with such an amazing group of people! The past two years

have been a challenge, but working as a team, we just keep overcoming obstacles and moving forward.” said one of their longtime volunteers.

The pantry is always looking for additional volunteers, they also accept monetary

donations to help them continue operating the pantry. The Food Bank of Siouxland is proud to work with such amazing pantry partners and we are continually grateful for everything you do for your community.

Dakota City Fire Department

208 S. 21st St.

Dakota City, NE


4th Thursday

4 p.m-5:30 p.m

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